Meet Sofia
imito AG
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Wunddokumentation & Wundvermessung mit KI
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Medizinische Foto- und Videodokumentation
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Scan-App für Patientendokumente
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Wundvermessung zum Testen

Medizinische Foto- und Videodokumentation
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imito AG
Live Demo vereinbaren
Meet Sofia
30. September 20213 min Lesezeit
Meet Sofia

Sofia, tell us a bit more about yourself.

I am an AI Engineer who is passionate about Computer Vision and Deep learning technology for medical applications, and eager to put my engineering knowledge to practical use.

What excites you about working as an AI Engineer for our wound management solution?

Turning my research into practice! Actually, for the past four years, I have been working on developing solutions in the medical imaging field, especially for chronic wounds which represent a serious health issue especially in elderly and bed-bound individuals. I studied new approaches of Deep Learning to non-invasively assess these wounds using imaging techniques. Now I can see all this work come into use by clinicians, nurses and even patients. imitoWound will become their smart wound assistant by providing them with a full picture of the wound stage and the appropriate clinical decision support for a faster recovery.

What was your first impression when you started at imito?

I instantly felt welcome. Chrysanth and Manuel’s passion for imito is reflected by their friendly behaviour and appreciation for everyone’s work. All the team members were very kind during our first encounter, and I liked how we were all getting along with each other, even though we're all working remotely from all sort of countries.

How will you shape the development of imitoWound with your work?

Adding Artificial Intelligence to imitoWound will enable care teams to immediately detect the wound and tissue type, analyse the stage of wound, suggest the appropriate clinical decision based not only on visual findings but also on the patient’s medical history, and predict the healing over time. imito has the noble vision of helping practitioners in their wound care practice with an intelligent app, and I am looking so much forward to do my part to make this happen.

Thank you, Sofia!

imito AG
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